Young Athletes
Special Olympics Hawaiʻi also provides our Young Athletes curriculum to Special Education teachers. If you are interested in becoming a Young Athletes classroom and would like to utilize the Special Olympics Young Athletes curriculum, please contact Emerald Chun at Special Olympics Hawaiʻi will provide the curriculum for free and may be able to help with equipment costs to begin a movement program in your classroom.
Join us in December for our Makahiki Pāʻani!
To keep our young athletes engaged during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Special Olympics Hawaiʻi implemented a weekly live story time on Saturday mornings, intermixed with various activities and songs. While no longer produced live, these past recordings are still available for you to view here.
Special Olympics athletes cannot participate on a team until age 8. However, 6 and 7 year old athletes can get ahead and start practicing with their future teams. These Future Stars compete in special Future Stars competitions at area and state games. Future Stars Competitions are offered in the following sports:
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Track & Field
- Softball
If you have any questions, please contact your Head of Delegation or Area Director.
Special Olympics Young Athletes is an early childhood sports play program for children aged 2 to 7 years old that includes games, songs and other fun physical activities where children with and without disabilities play together. Any child between the ages of 2 and 7 is eligible attend the Young Athletes events.
Young Athletes Registration Form Hawaiʻi
Please submit the form above to Nip Ho at