Sometimes, having a family member with an intellectual disability can be very isolating. But it doesn’t have to be. Special Olympics Hawaiʻi can help by providing families opportunities to meet other families, share experiences and learn from one another. At Special Olympics Hawaiʻi you will find hope, celebration, pride, acceptance and support. And most of all, you’ll find friendships that will last a lifetime.
“I have new heroes and they are the parents of persons with intellectual disabilities. They demanded that their children be treated like other children. They said, my children are of value. In 10 to 15 years, we are going to have millions of athletes involved in Special Olympics around the world and the parents are going to say to everyone, ‘We won.’”
In 2000, Special Olympics Hawaiʻi developed the ‘Ohana Task Force to help provide activities for family members throughout the state of Hawaiʻi. State activities are developed during the state Summer Games and the state Holiday Classic. Each Area program has an ‘Ohana Task Force representative that develops family activities within their own area.

“Special Olympics is not only for the athlete, it is a family, a community, that welcomes you and your ‘ohana with open arms.”
– Special Olympics Hawaiʻi Athlete
ʻOhana Taskforce
First Name | Last Name | Email address | Area |
Debbie | Kobayakawa | alohadebbk@yahoo.com | Chairperson |
Kelly and Kimo | Anderson | 808andersons@gmail.com | Cen/Hon |
Hua | Kekipi | christinekekipi@gmail.com | Cen/Hon |
Joanne | Nagamine | joannenagamine@yahoo.com | East Hawaiʻi |
Kim | Melchor | busywahine@gmail.com | Kauai |
Susan | Stewart | rowed002@hotmail.com | Maui |
Ruth | Tanielu | ytanielu@yahoo.com | Molokai |
Nani | Lehano | shawnlehano@gmail.com | West Hawaiʻi |
How ʻOhana Taskforce Can Help
Family members can be involved in helping Special Olympics programs in their community in many different ways by volunteering to:
- Provide transportation for athletes to practices and competitions
- Make phone calls to other family members
- Become a chaperone for your team
- Help raise funds to support your Special Olympics area program
- Serve on an area committee and help develop your area program by recruiting athletes and volunteers
- Serve on the Area Families committee
- Become a Unified® Partner
- Volunteer to help at competitions
- Coach your child’s team in a sport you have experience in
- If in a remote area, home train your child so they can compete in area and state competitions
- Organize social gatherings for all athletes on your child’s team
- Support the program through in-kind products or services, or by cash donations
- Attend competitions as a spectator