- Assist athletes in learning sports skills and applying them in competitions.
- Assist athletes in learning sports skills and applying them in competitions.
- Assist athletes in learning sports skills and applying them in competitions.
- Assist athletes in learning sports skills and applying them in competitions.
Ongoing coaches education is the most significant factor in the improved training of athletes.
- To provide every coach working in a sport with a basic knowledge of that sport (events, rules, basic skills and how to teach those skills).
- To provide all coaches with knowledge about Special Olympics, its history, philosophy and goals.
- To provide all coaches with knowledge about persons with intellectual disabilities and the current trends in this field.
- To provide coaches with information on sports injury, risk management and providing a safe environment.

- To provide a practical experience coaching Special Olympics athletes, in order to put into practice information provided by the Coaches Education Program.
- To provide coaches with general knowledge about the art and science of coaching sports.
Special Olympics provides our volunteer coaches with the basic principles, techniques and tools to effectively coach Special Olympics athletes. Coaches education is necessary and mandatory. Our athletes deserve the most knowledgeable coaches who are trained, who can access sport-specific coaching guides and rules, who provide the safest environment in which to train and compete and who receive ongoing education.
Get Started
Online Training
Please click on the links at the top of each column to access each training.

Please complete and submit your volunteer information form and completion certificates for your Protective Behaviors, Concussion, and Unified training (if applicable) to to register as a volunteer.
General Orientation Training
(please view the Youtube videos below to complete quiz)
Mission Partners